2021-04-12 Meeting Notes




Discussion items




Review Actions

Elect Chair 

Discussion on whether chair should be a librarian vs vendor.

Role of chair is to keep the council on task, to serve the community. We will not distinguish between the type of community members as our role it to grow t he community.

11 votes for Mike Gorrell as our Chair. None against.

11 votes for Paula Sullenger as our Treasurer. None against.

Postponing the vote on the secretary and manager till our next meeting. There is a desire for one of these positions to be a non-US council member.

Discuss CC term appointments - decide who has 1 year terms (need 7) and who has 2 year terms (remaining 8)

Chair, Treasurer, Secretary would be elected every year. not tied to the individuals term on the council.

One year terms:

We will postpone the remainder of this decision for a future meeting.

Review MoU activity, documentation, etc. Ensure we’re able to invoice.

Mike sent out this email: 

Dear -- ,

The FOLIO project is very grateful for the support that -- is providing as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that you've submitted.  Our records show that your organization has committed to a cash contribution of -- for FY22.

We would like to make sure we have the appropriate contact that we should send the Invoice to. If you are not the correct contact, please let me know who that would be. We will be sending invoices out in the next few weeks.

Thanks again for your personal support as well as the commitment that -- is making to the FOLIO Project. This is critical and appreciated.

Thank you



Mike Gorrell on behalf of the FOLIO Community Council


No questions about this template.

Review of resources needs spreadsheet

Review of positions that need immediate funding.

Funds we have available are only from FOLIO partner contributions. We will use current funds to finance identified critical positions through the end of the year. This will give us time to raise additional funds.

Proposed: sub committees for grants, appeals to partners , recruitment of new community partners.