2021-05-17 Meeting notes



Guests:  Ian Walls, Rachel Fadlon

Discussion items


This week:

  • Announcing PC and TC Elections; call for nominees
    • Elections subcommittee to connect with Communications team regarding press release.
  • CC update at PC. 
    • Schedule after the elections information has been publicized.
  • Should we schedule an update to the TC too?
    • Yes, @Boaz to take point.
  • Call for additional funding to current Members coming this week (unless we wait for invoices)
    • Organizations to indicate by June first if they are willing to provide additional funds.

 - Upcoming conferences:

Charleston session format and threads: https://www.charleston-hub.com/the-charleston-conference/session-formats/

    • Boaz Nadav Manes has submitted a proposal to Charleston.
    • UKSG - Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) can help us think about how to approach UK institutions for onboarding as well as grant funding. A personal contact will go farther than a letter for this audience.

What conferences do the German members attend? Is there an equivalent to UKSG or Charleston? Answer: Bibliothekartag - German Library Day


Onboarding Videos of CC topics

  • Rachel will be reaching out to volunteers to set up recordings.

Idea: set up a SIG or other type of group to support new FOLIO community members. Help to network and share information.

Update on member invoicesPaula

Estimate when invoices will be sent to members.

Regular member contributions to be sent out soon. Additional funds invoices to be sent out as commitments come in.

MoU and personnel commitmentsBoaz Update on Boaz's following up with institutions on their personnel commitments per MoUs where they may have been unclear. Also will be asking for all MoUs to be signed.
Updates from sub-groupsTeam

Resource subgroups:

  • Appeal to current Members (Paula, Dracine, Kirstin, Mike) - letter to members for contributions to bridge current gap sent on Friday May 14, 2021. Asking for responses by June 1, 2021.
    • Mid-June group will report on the success of the letter campaign.
  • Identify grant opportunities (Tom, Ian, Rachel) - Document outlining thoughts; Next Steps are outlined in the "Mechanics" section of the document.
    • Group will meet. Circle back in two week.
  • Grow the membership (Harry, Boaz, Simeon, Marko)- now meeting bi-weekly. Discussing the target audience (first one - libraries running FOLIO who aren't yet active in the community, or institutions that contributed to the pointing exercise for Kiwi). Discussing "what the message is"... This week to review prior messages/calls for participation for inspiration for upcoming messages.
    • Approach one library per member. facilitate a conversation about how participation in FOLIO is going, if there is opportunity for them to step up as members.
    • How to track conversations? Suggestions: spreadsheet, Trello.
      • This information could help with onboarding as well- group the institution's implementation model, the ILS they are migrating from, etc. We can connect institutions with similar situations.
  • Election subgroup (Mike, Harry, Maike, with assistance from Paula, Simeon and Keven as needed)- Planning Doc Nomination form has been created along with announcement text. Should be sent by Tuesday May 15th.
Review Strategic Goals and ObjectivesTeam

A group of FOLIO members contributed to the FOLIO Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives which was published in December 2020. The Community Council will review this list and begin to identify and prioritize its goals for the coming year.

2021 Initiatives- what has already been done? What do we need to prioritize? - this will be helpful to get our bearings.

  • Ownership of initiatives- some seem to fall into Product Council purview, some into Community Council.

Should we start fresh? We could refer to this document for inspiration and to borrow content (Why reinvent the wheel! There is a lot of good content).

  • We'd bring a different perspective- that of the Community Council.
  • Need to balance pragmatism and optimism.

How to proceed? Options:

  1. look at document, comment on what seems to be under the Community Council purview. Boaz Nadav Manes to organize a google document.
  2. Walk through the comments document as a group- identify what is under Community Council purview. Then spend time building on identified content.
  3. Set up a special off date meeting to discuss due to the two upcoming holidays (May 24th and May 31st). Boaz Nadav Manes

How often will we review and redefine Strategic Goals and Objectives? We need to think about this and define.

idea: Have a state of FOLIO: Not only reach out to new members, but give a "state of FOLIO" conversation- where are we at, what are our challenges.

canceled May 24th and 31st meeting due to German and US holidays.