Process for adding new system-wide features or for changing existing UX patterns or components

Phase 1: Rough UX

1. Rough UX feature or UX universal change proposed
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Suggestion
:card_file_box: Platform: FSP
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: Anyone

2. Rough UX feature or UX universal change reviewed for platform, framework and UX vision compatibility
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Approval
:arrow_right: Outcome: Refused or approved
:card_file_box: Platform: FSP
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: UX lead on FOLIO framework (Currently Filip Jakobsen)

3. (When relevant) Rough UX reviewed with users
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Approval
:arrow_right: Outcome: Refused or approved
:card_file_box: Platform: Discuss or virtual meeting
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: A person in a UX designer role

4. Rough UX reviewed for accessibility
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Approval
:arrow_right: Outcome: Refused or approved
:card_file_box: Platform: FSP
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: Dev. lead on FOLIO accessibility (Currently John Coburn)

5. (When relevant) Development research
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Research (no approval or process block)
:card_file_box: Platform: FSP
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: Dev. lead on FOLIO accessibility (Currently John Coburn)


Phase 2: Refined UX

6. Refined UX/UI design reviewed for framework compatibility (visual and interaction style)
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Approval
:arrow_right: Outcome: Refused or approved
:card_file_box: Platform: FSP
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: UX lead on FOLIO framework (Currently Filip Jakobsen)

7. Refined UX/UI design reviewed for accessibility
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Approval
:arrow_right: Outcome: Refused or approved
:card_file_box: Platform: FSP
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: Dev. lead on FOLIO accessibility (Currently John Coburn)

8. (When relevant) Refined UX/UI design reviewed with users
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Approval
:arrow_right: Outcome: Refused or approved
:card_file_box: Platform: Discuss or virtual meeting
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: A person in a UX designer role

====== :arrow_up: Everything before this point is the current UX design process as it has mainly occurred, but more formalized and more strictly defined ======

====== :arrow_down: Everything after this point is the existing PO / development process with minor tweaks ======

9. User story defined
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Description
:arrow_right: Outcome: Task is thoroughly defined; requirements and purpose exists in FSP issue. Any loose ends highlighted by Framework PO and material gathered from designer(s) in question, users or other relevant parties.
:card_file_box: Platform: FSP
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: Framework PO (currently Khalilah Gambrell)

10. Planning (packing in sprint)
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Planning
:arrow_right: Outcome: Task is assigned to a specific developer and with a specific priority
:card_file_box: Platform: FSP
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: Framework PO (currently Khalilah Gambrell)


Phase 3: Development

11. Development
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Planning
:arrow_right: Outcome: Feature or change implemented and committed to GitHub, and made available on a non-breaking platform (e.g. a demo site for which roll-backs will have absolutely no impact on any other features)
:card_file_box: Platform: GitHub & zero-impact demo site
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: Assigned developer

12. Development review
:vertical_traffic_light: Type of step: Approval
:arrow_right: Outcome: Refused or approved
:card_file_box: Platform: GitHub (question) (edited)
:bust_in_silhouette: Person: Framework PO (currently Khalilah Gambrell) (question)