2018-05-23 - Consortia SIG Notes




  • Begin work on feature prioritization next steps - possibilities: develop user stories, scope/distinguish shared and separate tenant models

Discussion items



Feature prioritization next steps

  •  possible things to do
    • develop feature requests
      • seems like some work is already happening here; lots of epics in UXPROD project already (looks like these were pulled from Consortia tab of the feature backlog spreadsheet)
      • features are pretty high-level right now; most will probably have multiple stories attached to them
      • Q: where do these get filed in Jira? A: Probably attached to existing/new epics in the UXPROD project
      • check if Cate is available to attend next meeting to advise on our approach
    • distinguish shared and separate tenant models
      • for shared tenant, do a gap analysis between FOLIO features for a library with branches and features needed for a consortium; this probably requires taking our features list and validating it against development roadmap, JIRA issues, etc.
  • David Dahl will check if Cate is available to attend next week's meeting

Action items
