2019-01-09 - Consortia SIG Notes




Discussion items


Welcome to Rui Francisco!

FOLIO event at ALA Midwinter ("Aster Release Party") - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/folio-aster-release-party-registration-54372281959


Meeting time

  • poll results and determine meeting time for future meetings



It looks like our current meeting time (Wednesdays, 9-10am EST) is still the best time for most attendees, so we'll stick with that for the foreseeable future.

Note: David won't be available for next week's meeting (1/16); Harry will host


Discussion of activities to prepare for development of consortial functionality

All w/Peter and Harry

Harry has reviewed multi-tenant consortia issues in Jira; many could use more detail
UXPROD-293 Union Catalog is an example of one that is a bit more fleshed out
some of these features may be more relevant to the ReShare project
how can we accomplish that?
proposal: tackle one issue at a time
Q: do we need to prioritize these in order to determine which to look at first? A: the priorities in Jira should reflect decisions we made several months ago. These are also listed in the Feature Prioritization - Scratch document on Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N2C0h_l4TF7eIKoNB7a0Z691bhPPpm_sz2xm1Rs_dFI/edit#gid=0
Q: should we pick an issue to start with for next week (regardless of priorities)?
UXPROD-826 - data import/export; the scope of this one might be more straightforward than others, and it's possible a lot of this functionality is already in the works and/or available
issues related to user management and workflows
UXPROD-811, 822, and 827
Harry will review issues and their priorities to see if there's a logical order in which to proceed
Noah: this approach is good for getting more detail for those features that have been identified, but the vision documents would still be useful as a high-level view in order to identify gaps that haven't been addressed, etc.

10minWrap-up/planningAllHarry will review issues and identify an issue to review for next week's meeting (1/16). Depending on the specific issue, attendees may want to invite others within their consortium to attend in order to provide insights into specific requirements for a given issue.

Action items