2020-06-01 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes



Discussion items

5WelcomeDaleDale was not feeling well. Patty Wanninger volunteered to take the notes
5Migration experiences and issuesVarious

Two topics were discussed: loading open loans and loading open orders.

Loading loans continues to be problematic. 

Using the BL modules is less and less desirable; about a month ago, Anne was involved in a discussion with  Christopher Creswell and Ian Walls about using the storage modules, and also discussed with Theodor Tolstoy (One-Group.se) an API that could ameliorate some of the issues. For example, a requirement to be able to create an "effective creation date" would help in both migration and loading from an offline operation.  The discussees would appreciate discussing this with a broader group, as previous attempts have not thusfar been fruitful. We would like Dale Arntson to call a special meeting or get committments from people to discuss the matter, including members of this group including Dale ArntsonTheodor Tolstoy (One-Group.se) Ian Walls Charles Ledvina along with the POs for loans and requests, Emma Boettcherand Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Loading open orders is a little more straightforward, according to Anne Highsmith, but her efforts have not yet been tested by functional staff.

TAMU: Loaded into Fameflower: 17,000 orders with 27,000 order lines - standing and continuing orders only. Not intending to migrate invoice data; instead will preserve in Voyager tables.

UA: planning to load about 3,000 continuing orders into Fameflower. Would like to migrate 2-5 years of payment data.

UChicago: tens of thousands of orders, the extant mix of open and pending. Will not attempt to migrate invoice data.

Lehigh: 2-300 continuing orders. They will close anything still pending at the end of the year in OLE and create them manually in FOLIO. No invoice data will be migrated

Cornell - 30,000, both firm and standing. No plans to migrate invoice data.

Actions for open loans: continue to test migration, use BL modules, communicate to PO Dennis Bridges  if there are concerns.

A final topic was a need to develop agendas for this meeting in advance so that people would know if they should attend. It was suggested that topics could be solicited on Thursday in the the Slack channel #date-migration-group.  Items that would need PO input should be flagged. If a site is willing to demo/collaborate on a specific process, that could also be solicited in the channel. A meeting topic backlog could also be created as necessary.

Action items

Dale Arntson will call special meeting to discuss improvements to migration of open loan data.

Dale Arntson will facilitate agenda creation using the slack channel.

Dale Arntson will set up a topic backlog page.