Test Plan: ERM-79 Set supplementary information for licenses


UXPROD-1559 - Getting issue details... STATUS


ERM-79 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Plan Issue

ERM-148 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Prepared by
Verified by
Verified Date


Acceptance Scenarios / Test Cases

Add supplementary information to a License record

Test Path NameGIVEN
Initial Context
Something Happens

Expected Result

Steps to follow from initial context
Null if not specified
(tick) Pass (error) Fail

Tester / Timestamp

1Add fully-defined supplementary information document
  • I am a logged-in user
  • with permission to add supplementary information to licenses
  • viewing Licenses > Supplementary Information

I submit full details for supplementary information

  • a supplementary information record is created
  • I am returned to the License record view
  • all details entered are presented in Licenses > Supplementary Information as per wireframe
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Edit the license
  4. Press 'Add Supplementary Information' button
  5. Enter
    1. Name
    2. Physical Location
    3. URL
    4. Note
    5. Category
  6. Press 'Save'
As expected
(tick) PassOS / 2019-04-26T19:40
2Save record without any required details
I don't provide a document name or location

Display breaking error messages:

  • "Please enter a document name"
  • "Please enter either a physical location or URL for the document location."
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Edit the license
  4. Press 'Add Supplementary Information' button → input fields presented
  5. Press 'Save'

Error message on not completing a name is: "Please fill this in to continue"

Error message on not completing a physical location/URL is: "Each document must specify either a location or URL."

Will discuss error message wording with GO and raise bug if required(error) FailOS / 2019-04-26T19:43
3No document name set
I don't provide a document nameDisplay breaking error message: "Please enter either a document name"
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Press 'Add Supplementary Information' button
  4. Enter Document Location
  5. Press 'Save'

Error message on not completing a name is: "Please fill this in to continue"Will discuss error message wording with GO and raise bug if required(error) FailOS / 2019-04-26T19:43
4No document location set
I don't provide a document location

Display breaking error message: "Please enter either a physical location or URL for the document location."

  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Press 'Add Supplementary Information' button
  4. Enter Name
  5. Press 'Save'
  • License Record:
  • Name: TBC
Error message on not completing a physical location/URL is: "Each document must specify either a location or URL."Will discuss error message wording with GO and raise bug if required(error) FailOS / 2019-04-26T19:43
5User cannot manage supplementary informationI am not an authorised user
No option to add, edit or remove a supplementary information document is presented
  1. Login as |user|
  2. Navigate to license record

6No optional details set
I provide minimal document information
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Press 'Add Supplementary Information' button
  4. Enter
    1. Name
    2. Physical Location
  5. Press 'Save'
  • License Record:
  • Name: TBC
  • Physical Location: TBC
As expected
(tick) PassOS / 2019-04-26T19:44

View supplementary information documents attached to a License

Assumed (given context) in all test paths in this scenario

  • I am a logged-in user
  • viewing Licenses > Supplementary Information

Test Path NameGIVEN
Initial Context
Something Happens

Expected Result

Sequence of steps to follow
(tick) Pass (error) Fail

Tester / Timestamp

1One supplementary information is attached to a license

There is 1 (one) supplementary information document attached to the license

Display document details as per wireframe

  1. Login as |    |
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. viewing Licenses > Supplementary Information
  4. one supplementary information is listed

As Expected
(tick) PassOS / 2019-04-26T19:45
2Multiple supplementary information documents

A License has more than 1 supplementary information document attached to the license

  • Documents are sorted by category (a-z) first, then name (a-z)
  • Uncategorised documents appear after those with categories
  1. Login as |    |
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. viewing Licenses > Supplementary Information
  4. multiple supplementary information are listed and sorted as explained

Documents appear in no particular order

Document order is not consistent and can change each time data loaded

(error) Fail

ERM-214 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OS / 2019-04-26T19:45
3No supplementary information is attached to a license

There are 0 (zero) supplementary information documents attached to the license

Show message: "There is no supplementary information for this license."

  1. Login as |    |
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. viewing Licenses > Supplementary Information
  4. no supplementary information is listed and message is shown

Message reads:
"No supplementary documents have been added"
Will discuss message wording with GO and raise bug if required(error) Fail
4Document location is URL

License has a supplementary information document with URL for document location

  • location value is hyperlinked
  • external link indicator is shown
  • clicking link loads the document URL
  1. Login as |    |
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. viewing Licenses > Supplementary Information
  4. the location value is hyperlinked with an external link indicator shown
  5. clicking link loads document URL

As expected
(tick) PassOS / 2019-04-26T19:46

Edit a supplementary information document 

Test Path NameGIVEN
Initial Context
Something Happens

Expected Result

Sequence of steps to follow
(tick) Pass (error) Fail

Tester / Timestamp

1Change name of a supplementary information document
  • I am a logged-in user
  • with permission to edit licenses
  • editing a fully defined supplementary information document record
  • on a license record with multiple supplementary information documents
  • I change the document name
  • The supplementary information record is listed with the new name

  • The document is presented in the correct sort order
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Edit the license
  4. Navigate to the Supplementary documents and select one
  5. Edit
    1. Name to Doc 1b
  6. Press 'Save'
As expected
(tick) PassOS / 2019-04-26T19:50
2Clear document name
I clear the document nameDisplay breaking error message: "Please enter either a document name"
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Edit the license
  4. Navigate to the Supplementary documents and select one
  5. Edit
    1. Remove Name
  6. Press 'Save'

Error message on not completing a name is: "Please fill this in to continue"Will discuss error message wording with GO and raise bug if required(error) FailOS / 2019-04-26T19:54
3Clear document location
I clear all document location dataDisplay breaking error message: "Please enter either a physical location or URL for the document location."
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Edit the license
  4. Navigate to the Supplementary documents and select one
  5. Edit
    1. Remove URL and Physical Location
  6. Press 'Save'

Error message on not completing a physical location/URL is: "Each document must specify either a location or URL."Will discuss error message wording with GO and raise bug if required(error) FailOS / 2019-04-26T19:54
4Change location type (from URL to physical location)
  • Clear the URL
  • Add a physical location

On the supplementary information record:

  • The URL is cleared
  • The physical location is set
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Edit the license
  4. Navigate to the Supplementary documents and select one
  5. Edit
    1. Remove URL
    2. Add Physical Location
  6. Press 'Save'

(tick) PassOS / 2019-04-26T19:54
5Change location type (from physical location to URL)
  • Clear the physical location
  • Add a URL

On the supplementary information record:

  • The physical location is cleared
  • The URL is set
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Edit the license
  4. Navigate to the Supplementary documents and select one
  5. Edit
    1. Remove Physical Location
    2. Add URL
  6. Press 'Save'

(tick) PassOS / 2019-04-26T19:55
6Clear document category
I clear the document categoryDocument is not sorted by document category
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Edit the license
  4. Navigate to the Supplementary documents and select one
  5. Edit
    1. Remove Category
  6. Press 'Save'

Documents appear in no particular order

Document order is not consistent and can change each time data loaded

(error) Fail

ERM-214 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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7Change document category
I change the document categoryDocument is sorted by new document category
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. Edit the license
  4. Navigate to the Supplementary documents and select one
  5. Edit
    1. change Category
  6. Press 'Save'

Documents appear in no particular order

Document order is not consistent and can change each time data loaded

(error) Fail

ERM-214 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OS / 2019-04-26T19:55

Remove a supplementary information document

Test Path NameGIVEN
Initial Context
Something Happens

Expected Result

Sequence of steps to follow
(tick) Pass (error) Fail

Tester / Timestamp

1Remove a supplementary information document
  • I am a logged-in user
  • with permission to edit licenses
  • on a license record with multiple supplementary information documents

I remove one supplementary information document

This supplementary information record is no longer listed on the License record. The other supplementary information are still listed

  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. edit license record
  4. remove one supplementary information
  5. Press Save
  6. returned to license record
  7. viewing Licenses > Supplementary Information
  8. deleted supplementary information no longer listed
  9. multiple supplementary information remaining are listed and sorted as explained

As Expected
(tick) PassOS / 2019-04-26T20:00
2Remove the last supplementary information document
  • I am a logged-in user
  • with permission to edit licenses
  • on a license record with one supplementary information document
I remove the supplementary information documentAs per test path: "No supplementary information is attached to a license"
  1. Login as |manager|
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. edit license record
  4. remove the last supplementary information
  5. Press Save
  6. returned to license record
  7. viewing Licenses > Supplementary Information
  8. deleted supplementary information no longer listed
  9. message: "No supplementary information is attached to a license"

Message reads:
"No supplementary documents have been added"
Will discuss message wording with GO and raise bug if required(error) FailOS / 2019-04-26T20:00
3I am not an authorised user

  1. Login as |  |
  2. Navigate to license record
  3. no edit button is shown to enter the edit mode to remove supplementary information