Bulk Edit - edited data size

The following information is based on the survey conducted within Bulk Edit Working Group in December 2021 and reviewed with the group on  January 11, 2022.  The supported bulk edit data size in FOLIO should be determined based on the performance test ( UXPROD-3543 - Getting issue details... STATUS )

InstitutionEdited record typesAverage bulk edit sizeLargest bulk edit size
Mount Holyoke College (Five Colleges)Holdings, itemsBetween 5 and 10,000-
Michigan State UniversityUsers40,00080,000
Michigan State UniversityItems1,000 -40,000700,000
Duke UniversityItemsBetween 100s and 1000s~10, 000
University of Massachusetts (Five Colleges) Instances, holdings, items, authorityVaries~100,000
CornellInstances, holdings, items10,0001,000,000
University of ChicagoPurchase orders13,00013,000
University of ChicagoHoldings, items3,000-5,000

1,600,000 instances

1,600,000 holdings

3,500,000+ items

College of Holly CrossInstances10,000200,000