Cypress testing pipelines

Cypress tests pipeline

This is a job to launch cypress tests against existing environment -

Job parameters:

  • branch - cypress tests repository branch to checkout
  • uiUrl - target environment UI URL
  • okapiUrl - target environment OKAPI URL
  • tenant - tenant name for tests
  • user - user name of the ${tenant}
  • password - user password
  • cypressParamerters - cypress execution parameters which will be passed to cypress through the command line

Job steps:

  1. Checkout cypress tests repository
  2. Build tests - execute yarn build to download all necessary dependencies 
  3. Cypress tests execution - execute cypress tests
  4. Generate tests reports - execute allure reports generation
  5. Publish tests report - publish allure report
  6. Archive artifacts - archive allure result files

Scheduled cypress tests pipeline

This is a job which creates a new environment, launch cypress tests against it, drops environment, publish tests results -

This is job is designed to be triggered by cron.

Job parameters:

  • branch - cypress tests repository branch to checkout

Scheduled run parameters values:

  • branch - master

Job steps:

  1. Create environment - execute to create a new "cypress" environment on "folio-testing" cluster. Folio configuration is taken from "platform-complete" repo, "snapshot" branch.
  2. Run cypress tests - execute against environment created on previous step
  3. Destroy environment - execute to destroy "cypress" environment on "folio-testing" cluster
  4. Copy downstream job artifacts - copy cypress tests execution results to current workspace
  5. Publish tests report - publish allure report