2017-09-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes




Discussion items

  • Note-taker  - Mark Canney
  • William Weare suggests SIG participants set up attendance in a conference room and invite staff to attend to watch the process.


5minReview of FOLIO Forum 
  • Great representation of team values and workflow as well as progress made
5minIntroduction of Tania Hewes 
  • Welcome to Tania who is on-boarding as part-time Product Owner
10minFees&FinesHolly Mistlebauer
  • Working on how to navigate from F/F lists to individual FF
  • Consistent language for Fees/Fines


10minScanned Items ScreenKimie Kester
  • Show progress on Checkout, Scanned Items and  End Session button
  • Screen needs UX review


25minUser Details ScreenCate Boerema (Deactivated)
  • User Information Screen - what needs to be there? Currently seems to be extraneous information displayed; should not be available to a student desk operator.
  • Data elements were worked out by User Management SIG but needs further review by RA-SIG.


Action items
