2017-11-27 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items


RequestsTania Hewes
  • Review screenshots from last week
  •  Look at filtered Fees/Fines view from Loan view (when one loan has more than one fee/fine associate with it)
  • What should show up on accordion on Fees/Fines section?
  • Finalize Fee/Fine details page (what should default sort order be?)


Tania Fersenheim – Review of request screen shots

OLE – the request search screen display provides a sufficient number of columns to show the important information about a request

          (more columns than Folio typically shows)

          The OLE design is bad in that request re-ordering must be done from a separate screen

          OLE does not support title level request searches

ALEPH - supports title level requests and searches; returns the number of requests on the specific item and on the title

              ALEPH only displays request details for one request in a queue at a time

             The request queue in ALEPH is confusing because requests are assigned a priority not a queue position

Discussion is needed about what request elements need to be shown on the initial screen and which can be in details

The Folio request display will be reachable from item and patron screens. There should also be a request search screen (David Bottorff).

Need for title level requesting varies.  Duke doesn't allow title level requests from patrons but uses the title level request search to re-distribute requests for popular items.

Tania - item level requests in V1, but design should allow for title level requests in later versions

Request re-ordering - not done too often, but sometimes necessary.  At a minimum in V1, cancellation notices must include a note for the cancellation reason. Need to explain that a request was cancelled and re-entered if this is the only way to change queue position.

It is important to be able to select and cancel multiple requests at a time.

Holly Mistlebauer - Fee and Fine displays

From the open loans display click on the amount in the fee/fine column to see details of the fee/fine.  If there are multiple fee/fines associated with the loan transaction and interim screen showing each fee/fine is displayed. From interim screen can click on ellipsis to show details

Details for all the associated fee/fines can be seen at together and sorted by exporting from the interim page

The details page needs a more prominent display of the patron name and should include other information such as the patron's id.

The consensus is that the sort order for actions associated with a fee/fine should be most recent first.

Fees/fines to be added to patron information screen.  It would be most useful to display a dollar amount rather than the number of fee/fines.  Discussion is needed about how amount is defined.  Does balance owed take into account credits which have not yet been credited to specific charges?

Andrea pointed out the non monetary blocks should also be displayed on the patron screen.