2021-10-21 Resource Access Meeting Notes



https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Thomas Trutt

Martina Tumulla

Erin Weller

Shirley Moentnish


Joanne Leary

Angela Zoss (Old)

Laszlo Jakusovszky

Monica Arnold

Dwayne Swigert

Brooks Travis

Mark Canney

David Bottorff



Jana Freytag

Discussion Items


National Holidays:

  • Thursday, November 25 – Thanksgiving Day We'll cancel this meeting!


  • Monday, November 1 - All Saints' Day


Please join the Bug fest!


Requests: Anonymization of closed requests

UXPROD-1041 - Getting issue details... STATUS

45MinReporting MeetingAngela Zoss (Old)

Meeting Notes

Bugfest: need for tester - if you see POs claiming tickets, you may ask them directly if you can help with those tickets


  • most of the suggested reports for requests are parallel to loans reports – report against patron group, loan rules
  • patron specific information that needs to be retained for the request - Department field, patron group, custom fields
  • Joanne: data to retain department + college -> could be a custom field or it could be stored in department field depending on the structure of college and department 

  • How does anonymization affects reporting? 
    • Angela: preferred to be a choice – would be nice to have it highly customizable – for those who needs to anonymize and for those who don’t wish to do so
    • Maybe LDP and metaDB configuration option  

    • Full anonymization – sensitive information will gets scrubbed

    • or by field – which fields you want to be scrubbed

    • or no anonymization at all

    • Data protection law - all user that have not been active for 2 years→ expired account cleaning is certainly something that would be interesting for a lot of institutions 
    • Duke – monthly script to clean patron

    • Scriptable database operation would be possible for LDP or metadb

    • on LDP side and metaDB side it's probably going to involve a custom script at this point but it shouldn't be a difficult custom script

    • FOLIO scrubbing separately
    • Laszlo: Any defined period that you would like in the LDP and then scrub it afterwards, or is it always a point of entry into LDP that data is anonymized?
    • LDP Administrator Guide: "LDP attempts to "anonymize" tables or columns that contain personal data. This anonymization feature is enabled unless otherwise configured. Some tables are redacted entirely when anonymization is enabled, including audit_circulation_logs, configuration_entries, notes, and user_users."
    • LDP doesn't have any automated way of anonymizing the database. After you've already kind of brought in personal data, so that would all have to be kind of a custom script yourself

  • Joanne: sortable holding call number is needed

  • Item effective call number you can sort

  • if that derived table the holdings extended included the item level call number would that solve your problem / that probably would for most cases but some records don't have item records.

  • Resolved back in April – works for items – without items it doesn’t work - so if that could somehow be transferred, translated over into a table that we can sort on.

  • Translated at FOLIO level – we are not doing the data manipulation at the LDP level

  • Maybe new Jira ticket for this feature that it needs to happen at holdings level as well - submit an enhancement request for this for this issue. (Inventory)

  • LDP app is in https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/  (Kiwi) – newest and latest development

  • For using the LDP App in your environment you need the LDP backend to use it / you may need to ask your hosting provider

  • Please think about pain points and questions for next time (reporting)?

  • Add ideas for agenda item for the RA SIG: Agenda Items or via Slack

meeting notes from 2021-10-18:

Anonymization of closed requests:

  • the system is not supposed to save privacy related data in the storage, when anonymized - but it would be nessecary for search - this problem is currently being discussed
  • Anonymization vs. reporting for ous Thursday Meeting with Angela Zoss (Old) :
  • for loans anonymization: the line for the User-Id will be deleted
  • Reporting:
    • Requests done by proxys
    • How does anonymization affect reporting?
    • Joanne: is there a way request can be anonymized but still have a associated ID to still being able to doing reports and work with the record - to fullfil reporting needs - e.g. demographics related to requests
    • Report: pick up location associated with the patron group