

Discussion items

Minute taker

Next week is last week that US is on Standard Time, so be on the lookout for changes to when upcoming meetings will take place.

  • US will change to Daylight Savings Time on March 10, effective as of the March 15 meeting.
  • Europe will change on March 31, effective as of the April 5 meeting (so we'll all be back on the same schedule at this point).
  • After Brexit, we anticipate that the UK will start using a totally new time-keeping system based on 47-second minutes, so it'll be up to them to figure out what time, in NewUK time, meetings will start. (just kidding, obvs)

Product Council review: Kristin Martin, dracine, and Holly Mistlebauer are working on an updated gap analysis, especially with focus on institutional requirements, and which features need to be documented for updated Gap Analysis. About 9 months since last analysis, and items now have a lot more stories, etc., to provide more information about them. A feature prioiritzation and gap analysis spreadsheet should be out in a week or two to complete.

Next FOLIO meeting will not happen in May. It may happen in June, most likely around June 17-19; probably in Washington DC or area, before ALA. If you're planning on going to ALA, don't book a ticket yet, because you might want to go early, for FOLIO!

Several folks are going to ER&L conference next week; there is a slack channel about this - if you want to join the Slack channel, contact Kristin Martin to get added. Maybe a breakfast together, or something like that.


  • Receiving: mock-up review and status discussion
  • Update to order/inventory interaction

Dennis is present; Ann-Marie is not. We'll review receiving that wasn't covered in last meeting, plus updates on order action.

Dennis Bridges returned to review of Receiving Design Updates - Google Drive slide presentation. Dennis is presenting updates that have been implemented based on changes to Stripes frontend. Usability approach to receiving was seen as cumbersome, so they implemented a lot of changes as a result.

"Receiving items": an order has been placed and is open, awaiting receipt of materials. Physical materials have arrived. Users is reviewing purchase order, and clicking 'Receive' from within FOLIO Orders app. "Receive" screen has not yet been implemented, because of changes to process. Dennis showed wireframes of what the window will look like. A select box has been added to Receiving screen; when one clicks on the box, a modal pops up that shows the specific items in that order, to make it easier to look for the specific items in each order, or each "Title". One can input a barcode as part of the receiving process, in this modal.

Kristin Martin asked for specifics about what's in a specific "Title" - will a "Title" be associated with multiple instances, especially in a range of formats? The point is that you can receive other than physical things. "Other" can include fees, and basically a grab-all for whatever the future might bring.

For an "Electronic" item - is that an electronic file? Or access being established to an electronic resource? Some institutions want to be able to record that electronic items have been saved. Martina Schildt said that many German libraries would like to be able to record that they're receiving an electronic copy. Kristen Wilson asked about behavior if there is no existing item record. Dennis said it's up to the user what records would be created. Many varieties of what would be possible here, especially if there is no item record. Some of this data does come from the item record - especially Barcode and Item Status - but Location is associated with holding.

Kristen Wilson asked about supporting automated receiving of high volumes of content - especially w/r/t significant shelf-ready titles. In these cases, an institution may not check every single item, but rather accept the vendor's statement that all the shelf-ready items have been delivered within a single shipment. Dennis said that it will need to be able to support that.

Dennis Bridges said some discussion remains regarding visibility and application of "Item Status" field - do people want to edit it here, or just see it, or not? Charlotte Whitt discussed how this data will work in other apps, especially the Checkin and Checkout apps.

Dennis Bridges brought up and worked through demo of Ordering process. A connection does now exist to Inventory so that additional bibliographic data is imported to Orders from Inventory. See the recording to view the demo.

Sara Colglazier asked questions about the manual input process, and the possibility of error introduction through this process. Charlotte Whitt pointed out that the goal here is to show the interaction between the various apps, and also noted that the "Instance status code" for these records is as "temp", so later, when the item arrives, catalogers will be able to apply full bib records over existing temp records. Kristin Martin said she expects that most of their records will be imported through bulk import process.

Meeting concluded at 9:30

Action items
