2018-07-20 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




Discussion items

30+ FOLIO NCIP Support
  • This document looks for SME validation by our group:

FOLIO NCIP Module Planned Work & Technical Questi  ons (Draft)

  •  Q: is also SIP2 support needed ?
  • LookupUser must be supported. AcceptItem checks out an item when it places a request for an item that is in another library's connection. The NCIP protocol allows for more services than most because of how far-reaching it is. So we need to have use cases to clearly outline what will be needed. For instance, NCIP can be used for self-check but it is rarely used for that. If we develop it only for ILL then only a few (4) services are needed. Some systems still only support SIP2 anyway. NCIP is used for authentication more in the public library world.
  • NCIP is not backward compatible with SIP2.
  • The four services that are most important are Lookup User, Accept Item, Check In Item, Check Out Item.
  • We need to review the actions used by these services because they need to be distinct from the normal use cases. An example is a check-in that needs to be routed to some other institution rather than back onto the shelf. This could be a configuration case rather than something we build into the workflow. Most libraries use a paper band to alert staff as well as the internal circ system.
  • The XC NCIP Toolkit is what Lehigh plans to use, and it already supports all NCIP services. That tool takes the XML output and converts it to objects for import. There are around 50 services in the protocol, so the toolkit is easy to extend as new services are needed, however Folio needs to be able to accept the output.
  • Broadly, ILL services are out of scope for this project as the ILL software itself tends to handle the details. There has been some discussion of an ILL Folio module but that's not this. OCLC has expressed some interest in developing an ILL module for Folio. Xlibris seems to support more than these four services so do they know something that we are missing?
  • We need more clarity on which other modules are involved in a NCIP request. How is authentication to be handled? Via the Edge API?
  • An acceptance test of this module should be part of regular unit testing and use a mock that actively talks to the producer/consumer services to ensure at least 80% code coverage by unit test.
  • The NCIP module could use the Source field of the schema to indicate that this request is from a NCIP API request, or we could implement an "operator ID" via the Edge API so a request can be traced to its source.

  • Review action items

Topics for next meetings

Deployment with Kubernetes and Rancher (spampell ?)

Wayne has an update on the Folio testing platform for next week.

Tod has started a discussion on consistency that he will send out to the group over Slack.


no meetings Aug 13 thru Aug 31 (at least Ingolf won't convene them)

no meeting Sep 14th.

Action items

  • Michelle will reach out to current NCIP Toolkit author for input
  • Jakob will work with the team to make a list of non-functional requirements for this module