2018-08-31 - System Operations and Management SIG Notes




Discussion items

5minWelcome, note taker
 Batch loader and data migration  Folijet team is starting to look at batch loading. Data migration tool input is waiting for the architecture before putting in the migration tools requirements. Jakub has allocated two people to participate in the architecture, Wayne and Alfons. Patty and Tod will reach out to Wayne to be certain that the migration requirements are represented. Jakub will also have us resume once it is clear who from Folijet will be working on it, and get us involved as needed.

TC updateTod Olson, Jakub Skoczen

Workflow PoC progress: PC is favorable and looking for resources.

Q3 release and hardening. Now that we are trying to have quarterly releases for public consumption, we are trying to work out release management, doing dependency checking, and full integration tests on the snapshot. A frozen Q3 environment will be released, which only gets bugfix releases. See Q3 Release Management.

Action items
