2023-01-20 - Network Traffic Control Working Group Meeting Notes



Discussion items

5 MinNew member

Welcome Jens Heinrich to the group!

10 MinObjectives of the NTC groupAxel
  1. Analyse
    Defining test cases and writing penetrations tests for FOLIO APIs
    (build a library of FOLIO pen tests?)

  2. Protect
    Find and document tools and configurations findings to protect FOLIO at the network level

  3. Monitor
    Track network traffic and identify possible treats
20 Min Defining and collecting test casesGroup discussion

Discuss and created scenarios →   Test cases & and Test-Scripts/Tools

More refinement needed on cases

20 MinFindings of scripts for testsJens Heinrich

Proposal to use https://schemathesis.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

a python tool based on Hypothesis

Jens to prepare a skeleton of script that can be used as a template for further use

Steffen will be able to provide a test environment to test against

5 MinMeeting timesAll
  • Stay with that time slot fridays 11 - atm

Action items

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