2023-04-28 - Network Traffic Control Working Group Meeting Notes



Discussion items

x MinTake a look on pen test preparationsGroup /Jens

As soon as there is a template script Axel will start

  • Jens had modified Schemathesis' Openapi-use abiblity to use with RMB 1.0
  • Make an own project based on Schemathesis called Foliothesis
  • need to get all API-Descriptions for single realease of all modules in the folio repos
  • Axel to create a script part to retrieve all version tags of all module from Github
  • Jens is still working on integration of RMB 1.0 in Schemathesis
  • Axel had a session with Jens on getting version tags per release
  • both made good progress but it's not finished now


  • integration of RMB 1.0 in schemathesis is still in progress
  • script to get all RAML files per FOLIO release tag
    • getting all module version URLs per okapi-install.json is done
    • steps to go:
      • parse ramls directory per module repo for all raml files and provide URL links
      • create input of release tags to get a list of all ramls URLS of this specific release
5 Min.Other topics?GroupNext meeting 26th may

Action items

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