2020-09-16 Meeting notes



Discussion items


UI Testing Revised Recommendations

Reviewing this presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1z3IxCA7rcCrBGvjyalslr5qsTHgdUUXQV_gZaDU_-N8/edit#slide=id.g5db34332d5_0_0

Key points: 

UI Modules:

  • BigTest v1 (current tool) is unsupported
  • Move from BigTest to Jest or RTL going forward
  • Re-implement all current BigTest tests in Jest or RTL
  • Deadline to re-implementation by Q3-2021 (giving teams 12 months)


  • Impacts only teams/persons that are working with Stripes (i.e. Stripes Force)
  • BigTest v1 (current tool) is unsupported
  • Move from BigTest to BigTest v2
  • Re-implement all current BigTest tests in new BigTest v2
  • Deadline to re-implementation by Q3-2021 (giving teams 12 months)

End-to-End Tests:

  • Current tool - Nightmare JS is unsupported
  • Replace Nightmare JS with BigTest V2
  • Not a job for 1 person - we'll need to identify more people that can contribute (other than Zak Burke)
  • Expect donated resources from Frontside (makers of BigTest)
  • Re-implement all current Nightmare JS tests in new BigTest v2 over time
  • Note that BigTest V2 will be able to drive end to end tests in any FOLIO environment - new capabilities for each Dev Team (scratch environment) and hosting providers as well as others
  • Action: Try and identify another individual that can contribute to these tests. Possibly recruit from Stripes Force. Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)and Zak Burketo explore possibilities to be recommended to Capacity Planning team.

Code Coverage

  • UI Modules should meet 80% code coverage goal. This should include "critical path" functionality
  • If a defect is found that wouldn't have been covered in that 80% then when fixed a new test case is to be created. This new test should be part of teams' definition of done

Architectural Blueprint UpdateTeam 

Review progress/status of Folio Architectural Blueprint Strategic Changes 

TEAM - Please add your updates here:

  • ABI-001: (AES) Done, pending inclusion into releases.
  • ABI-002: (Cross-Tenancy) Discussions paused, to be restarted.
  • ABI-003: (System/Tenant Users):
  • ABI-004: (Database Connectivity):
  • ABI-005: (AuthN/Z Refactoring):
  • ABI-011: (Search Engine). Blueprint is finalized. SPL is creating their implementation guided by blueprint. TC needs to discuss how and when to move forward with formal Folio implementation.
  • ABI-016: (SAML SSO) Collecting cases from community, options for long-term strategy (continue with custom FOLIO SP or rely on common external options), started discussion on Discuss. Unclear if this can go further as a community discussion. - Tod Olson
  • ABI-019 (Distributed Transactions): No progress since last update. I'm aware of it being actively worked on (though a team did recently ask about it and said they might gather their own examples). I'm not actively working on it. I suggest it be considered inactive at present - Marc Johnson
