2018-08-21 UI Testing Team Meeting Notes





  • Discuss PR process for UI modules and propose required steps prior to accepting PR.
  • Discuss SonarQube Quality Gate required configuration and enforcement.

Helpful information to review prior to meeting:

Discussion items

5 minOpen tasks housekeepingAnton
30 minPR process for UI modulesThe Team

Please see note for this line item below.

20 minQualityGateThe Team

UI Testing team agreed to start using default SonarQube Quality Gate configuration. It will be tuned as required in the future.

5 minNext steps for BigTest implementationThe Team

 PR process for UI modules


New Code

Old Code


  • Install

  • Lint

  • BigTest

  • Local Coverage Report (Istanbul)

  • Lint

Feature Branch Build

  • Install

  • Lint

  • BigTest

  • Pact (after implemented)

  • Jenkins Coverage Report (Istanbul)

  • Code review complete

  • Lint

  • Code review complete

Master Branch Build

  • Install

  • Lint

  • BigTest

  • Pact (after implemented)

  • SonarCloud Quality Gate (Passive initially: Reporting & Not enforcing )

  • Lint

  • Nightmare module specific tests

It may take multiple merges and build to Master for a module manually promoted for the nightly integration testing.

PR approval requirements

The team agreed not to make PA approval as a mandatory requirement for the merge to Master.

However, while the rule is not being physically enforced, UI Testing Team strongly suggest the following:

  1. The fact that code review is not enforced via GitHub doesn’t mean it is not required.

  2. Contributors who consistently merging to Master without code review will be not appreciated.

  3. Developers should be actively seeking code review unless it is a real emergency change.

  4. Code review step is included into DoD for a user story. Product owners shouldn’t accept stories that are missing code review.

  5. Developer should plan PR timing to ensure that code review can be completed.

  6. Avoid commits to Master on Friday.

Action items
