


Discussion items

30 minUpdate on tags

The idea for tags came from Acquisitions, but when time came to implement none of the acq modules were ready.  The users modules were the most stable, so it made sense to do the PoC in users, and then extend it to other modules as they became ready.

Acq needed a very flexible way to slice and dice spending activity for analysis.  Folks had experience with tags in tools like JIRA and found them to be a good fit.  Rather than building a rigid coding system that would apply to some institutions and not others, tags provides a way to classify records flexibly.

UI is now functional, although the UX is not perfected.  (Demo given in folio-testing, since the latest bugfixes haven't made it to snapshot-stable yet).

Tags can be disabled globally in settings, although they are enabled by default.  If they are enabled, all apps that have implemented will show them.

Tags can be created on-the-fly.  There is a central tag list tenant-wide, there is not yet a was to view/manage the whole list (that is coming in the future).  Starting to type a tag name will start to auto-complete a selection list.

There is no limit to how many tags can be created in the system.

Only two characters are disalowed: space and pipe - | (when importing, the pipe will be a delimeter between tags).  No uppercase letters – everything will be lowercased to avoid case-sensitive duplication.

There will be a 'Tags' app eventually that will provide management of tags; they will also be accessible from settings.

Future functionality: filter search by tags, including tags with a record on print/export/reporting, distinct permissions for tag management.

No current plans for searching on tags, just filtering based on the tags that are active for the particular type of record

 10 minPopulating titles list Can we have a single controlled vocabulary, or do we need to create a setting for it?  This will vary widely based on language and local convention.  It's not a translation/localization issue because there isn't a direct mapping between languages.  Therefore we'll need this to be configured on a per-tenant basis, but a config file (as opposed to UI) is acceptable.  Some institutions will be dealing with multiple languages.  We can distribute multiple sample config files contributed by member institutions.

PasswordsMaura ByrneChicago tried to change a user's password, and couldn't.  The ability to send a user a password reset link is coming.  A user can change their own password, but an admin can't change the password for them.  This came up as part of a testing scenario, so it is a temporary issue, but EBSCO may have techniques for doing this.

Gender Neutral TitlesKimie KesterWe should include gender-neutral titles in the sample lists as appropriate.

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